Our Faith » Board Pastoral Theme

Board Pastoral Theme

An Introduction to Our Pastoral Themes

 The vision of the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board is that we imagine a world where every person is empowered to reach their full potential through faith and service.  Our mission is the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board builds faith-filled learning communities where each member is loved, inspired, and successful.  The new annual pastoral themes for the ALCDSB call us to express our faith through our vision and mission statements. 
Catholic education is nurtured by the home-school-parish relationship.  The annual pastoral themes will support the ALCDSB's Multi-Year Strategic Plan and will continue to nurture the members of home, school, and parish.  Each annual theme is enriched with connections to Scripture, song, prayer, the Renewing the Promise pastoral letter, Catholic Social Teaching, the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The ALCDSB pastoral themes were intentionally selected in a particular sequence.  Each subsequent theme is intended to build on the previous theme.  The first theme, “All Are Welcome in This Place" reminds us that as a Catholic education community, our first step is to establish relationships and ensure that every person feels a genuine sense of belonging.   Once this is established, we can learn more about what it means to be valued as “Beloved Children of God", called to celebrate the inherent dignity of each person who is created in the image and likeness of God.  We then respond to God's invitation to be “Formed in the Faith", seeking God, growing deeper in our relationship with God, and accompanying each other along our faith journey.  Recognizing that faith is a gift from God, we are “Blessed Beyond Belief", thankful for all of the gifts and blessings that we receive, which all come from God.  Finally, once we are equipped with the tools that we need, we are “Called to Witness", fulfilling the Church's mission to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Blessed Beyond Belief



The fourth of five pastoral themes, “Blessed Beyond Belief”, calls us to open our eyes and our hearts to see all of God’s goodness that surrounds us. Recognizing that faith is a gift from God, we are thankful for all of the gifts and blessings that we receive, which all come from God. In response to all of God’s blessings, we offer our worship. We are blessed and chosen and that means God’s arms will always be open to us with mercy, grace, guidance and unwavering strength and love. God walks with us and knows our true heart. God is our lighthouse in the storm and casts away darkness and despair. 
Although there are many mysteries, Jesus has never hidden his blessings from us. He is always there. We celebrate the gift of ourselves, each other and the earth all around us. We also need to take the time to celebrate the joy we encounter in the Gospels and the Eucharist. We praise the Lord who gives life and love to all things, making each day new. In our Catholic school communities, we are called to worship and praise as Joyful Disciples. How will we raise an alleluia with everything that we have? How will we find a song of joy in the middle of a storm that is stronger than any other sound of doubt or darkness? How will we model joy in our imperfect world? How will we live out each day reminding ourselves that we are completely loved and accepted by God? How will we be a guiding light to help others see their blessings and to live more fully in Christ?​


The “Blessed Beyond Belief” logo is represented by a sunrise with the silhouette of a person with arms outstretched. There is a shadow of a cross in the distance. This logo reminds us to have open arms and open hearts to receive all of the many blessings of the Lord. When we accept all the Lord has to offer, we are set free. All things are possible when we put our trust in God.

Overview: 2023-2024
Blessed Beyond Belief

​​​​​​​​​Scriptural connection:​​​ Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord.
​- Psalm 118:26
​Theme song: ​10,000 Reasons
Matt Redman​​
​Renewing The Promise Focus: A Community That Forms Joyful Disciples
​Catholic Social Teaching Focus: Rights and Responsibilities Solidarity
​OCSGE Focus: ​A Collaborative Contributor
A Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker
​​​​United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Focus: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production