Minister of Education visits ALCDSB Ready, Set, School Program

The two-week summer day program is designed for students with special needs who are entering school for the first time.

Ready Set School facilitator and student.

Nicole Dever, Intensive Support Analyst, engages with Ready, Set, School student participant.

The focus of the program is to work with students who have not previously engaged in a day care program. Students will be engaged in developing routines, social skills and appropriate engagement strategies with ALCDSB staff and their peers.

Group photo of Hon. Todd Smith, Minister of Education, visit to Ready Set School program.

Back Row (L-R):
Anthea Murrell, Trustee, Shawn Murphy, Trustee, Michele McGrath, Superintendent of Education, The Hon.Todd Smith, Minister of Education, David DeSantis, Director of Education, Jacqueline Fernandes, Trustee, Brian Evoy, Vice-Chair of the Board, Shauna Hoekstra, Clinical Team Lead.

Front Row (L-R):
Maggie Peterkin, Educational Assistant, Megan Prevost, Behaviour Support Assistant, Nichole Dever, Intensive Support Analyst, Stephen Knott, Educational Assistant, Katie Bremner, Registered Behaviour Analyst.