Grades 5-6 ALCDSB East Math Tournament

On May 3, 2024 the annual ALCDSB Gr 5-6 Math tournament in honour of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys took place at Holy Cross Secondary School.  Sister Rosemary and Sister Doherty, from the Congregation of Notre Dame, honored us by presenting the trophy and medals to the winning teams.

Thanks Terri Daniel, Amy Goodberry, Anna Coe, Dan Dusome, and the support staff at Holy Cross Secondary School for helping to make the tournament a great success.  Special thanks to the Crusader Mathletes organized by Catarina Raposo, and to Isabel Wu and Karina Stang, teacher candidates who were instrumental as chief markers and judges.

The 22 math teams working collaboratively through various rounds had the most exciting day long tournament. It was the largest ALCDSB math tournament to date since we started them in 2016. We congratulate all the mathletes for proudly representing their schools.

This year’s top Mathletes at the Grades 5-6 ALCDSB East Math Tournament were:

1st place – Luke Fitzermann (St. John XXIII)

2nd place – Tristan LeBlanc (St. Teresa of Calcutta)

3rd place – Sahil Kumar ( St. Marguerite Bourgeoys)

4th place – Aadil Polara (St. Teresa of Calcutta)

5th place – Deacon Kirk (St. Martha)

Julia Li (Our Lady of Mount Carmel) came in sixth place.

Vera Wagner (Ecole Cathedral) came in seventh place.

Kaleb Allan (Archbishop O’Sullivan) came in eighth place.

First place team was Archbishop O’Sullivan Team A (54.33 pts): Foster Vicente, Ewan Semenuk, Matthew Cases, Nathaniel Lactam, David Aziz, Kaleb Allan,  Coached by Caitlin Wheeler.

Second Place team was St. Teresa of Calcutta Team B with 53.5 points:

Liam Arlen, Sr. RoseMary, Ceilbert Yuan, Sr. Doherty, Aadil Polara, Tristan LeBlanc, Neekn, Neghiri, Joshua Chen. Coached by Amy Gibson.

Third place team was by Sr. Rosemary and Sr. Doherty to St. Martha Team B with 52.50 pts:

Kiara-Anne Atay, Cohen McMillan, Nick Burgess, Lily Henry, Grace George, Nadine Obiefule.

Most improved team from last year’s tournament with (41.5 pts) was Team #13, Ecole Cathedrale Team A. It moved from the 57th percentile to the 48th percentile. Katerina Khokhotva, Adem Yuksel, Adelaide Patel, Anika Molin, Arden Collins, George Docoslis.