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Assessment and Evaluation
  1.                        growing success.png​​
  2. All classes at St. Paul following the Assessment and Evaluation Policy as articulated by the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board. 

  3. 16.13  At the beginning of courses, teachers will provide a Course Outline that clearly explains, but is not limited to, details of student evaluation. Students and parents/guardians, where appropriate, will be advised that failure to complete evaluation activities reduces the body of evidence upon which the teacher can evaluate student achievement of the curriculum expectations and may jeopardize the granting of a credit for the course.

  4. 16.14  Teachers will set due dates and deadlines in consultation with staff and, where appropriate, with students. All assignments and summative evaluation activities are due on the date specified by the teacher. In cases of lateness, a teacher may use a mark penalty deduction of up to one level. Once a class set of assignments has been returned to students, a teacher is under no obligation to accept late assignments.

  5. 16.15  For missing assignments, the mark deduction can be the full value of the assignment; however, teachers must follow a process including conferencing with the student and contact with parents/guardians, where appropriate, before assigning the full-value deduction.